You have been watching and playing your game for years. You know the game. Because you already know how to perform in a game, there’s a level of expectation or standards you strive to achieve. Sometimes a wrench is thrown during a game and your performance changes drastically. The stress hits and now you’re in survival mode. HERE IS HOW YOU RESCUE YOURSELF.


An important rule to mastering confidence is to not measure your success by external validation. Confidence is an inside job. It manifest and grows within you. The secret to gaining confidence is by recognizing what you do well and telling yourself “I DID A GOOD JOB!” It can be very easy to focus on the negative, what-ifs, and worries. Build your confidence by focusing on the positives, evidence, and working towards solutions.  


What is your WHY? When times get hard and things don’t go our way, we can forget why we started. In order to persevere-IDENTIFY YOUR WHY. Is it your family? Wealth? Fun? Freedom? Maybe this is the first time thinking about it. Grab a piece of paper and write down your WHY. GET CLEAR ABOUT IT. Use it as a motivator when you’re in game mode and persevere. 


What is your daily routine? Stress can throw anyone off their routine, that’s why it is so important to have a set plan surrounding your health and wellness. We wake up and brush our teeth as a routine. Try to add practicing gratitude just after brushing your teeth. A slight change to routine in order to promote wellness can be very beneficial in the long run.

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