Has the Sports World changed since the pandemic?

Simply put, yes. We all were affected by COVID-19. The sports world was impacted significantly at the idea of changing how games are played. No one could have prepared for this change-let’s be real, everyone struggled. Games canceled, mandatory quarantines, sports professionals out of work, nobody could have prepared for this change.

Practices, handshakes, high fives, and all forms of contact came to a harsh stop. The stress of all the changes became clearly evident. Anxiety, depression, substance abuse were now being identified in 1 out of 5 adults-compare that to those in your family or people on your team. Whether it’s someone you know or…you…the shock of it all was, and continues to be, too much.

How do I adjust to all the changes?

Even though time has passed since 2019, the game has permanently changed. We are all trying to figure out how to keep navigating the sports world since then. Whether it’s been through asking for more support or working with professionals, keep on figuring out how to live in the “new normal.” Here are some things to consider:

  • Try a new hobby
  • Engage in mindful movement-not everything is a competition
  • Schedule ME Time
  • Team up with a Professional

What’s a quick fix to the stress?

According to Dr. Vanessa Trespalacios, a board-certified internal medicine physician, 

“One of the most effective coping strategies or skills we should all learn is called Mindfulness. One of the most common and well-known mindfulness activities is meditation. While it may seem esoteric or inaccessible, meditation can actually be very simple. These exercises are meant to transform everyday experiences into mindful moments. There are 5 mindfulness exercises we can all practice independently.

These are:

Mindful Breathing

Mindful Observation

Mindful Awareness

Mindful Listening

Mindful Appreciation

Keep in mind, these exercises can be short and simple.

For example, when I’m teaching a patient how to do mindful breathing, I instruct them to start with taking 1 minute of uninterrupted time in their day and finding a quiet place. I ask them to close their eyes and focus on their breathing. Focus on taking deep breaths and exhaling as slowly as they can. I ask them to try and imagine what their lungs might look like as they fill with air as well as when they let all their breath out. I also ask them to try and see in their mind’s eye the oxygen entering their nostrils and mouths with each inhalation and the CO2 with each exhalation.”

Find many different mindful breathing techniques in the Meta App. Download the free tool and start improving your performance today!